Tiny GrayJul 28, 2022Yea this skola going ..going back back to kkkollege.. kollege..(Sed To me and mamas favorite rapper soundz BiggieSmalls ) Yea this skola going going back back to kkkollege …kkkollege - Not cuz it’s....
It Wasnt MeJul 26, 2022Voces de inmigrantes y resistenciaBroken People Healing Broken People / Personas quebradas Ayudando Personas quebradas(Espanol/Spanish) Hoy estoy un poco confundido conmigo mismo, porque cuando quiero cambiar y hacer algo para mis compañeros de los cuales...
Ziair HughesJul 26, 2022Sinful Catholic ChurchesBy Ziair hughes, Deecolonize academy student /POOR Magazine Youth poverty Skola In Canada a situation has flared back up, from the late...
Momii PalapazJul 26, 202250 YEARS OF FIGHTING CONTINUES AT PEOPLE’S PARKBy Momii Palapaz, POOR NEWS NETWORK poverty scholar I walked onto the property of People’s Park in Berkeley, California, where two tents...
Amir CornishJul 26, 2022Racism Never LeftAnother black man AJ Stewart died at a young age by racism and many more have died because of the color of their skin. Aj Stewart was a...
It Wasnt MeJul 20, 2022Voces de inmigrantes y resistenciaEl sueño Falso de E.E.U.U The false dream of The US(Espanol/Spanish) Esto es para todos los tipos de comunicación que nos señalan y por heder unas cosas que en este país llamado América y...
It Wasnt MeJul 20, 2022Voces de inmigrantes y resistenciaAmérica la tierra de la Codicia America the land of Greed(Spanish/Espanol) Unas de las cosas que siempre me dará vueltas en la cabeza es como cambia la gente cuando cruzan la falsas fronteras y...
BoudiaJul 12, 2022All Panda Dulce Wanted Was to Tell a Storyby Boudia Content/Trigger Warning: Transphobic slur is mentioned in the beginning and there are discussions around transphobia,...
Momii PalapazJul 12, 2022GOVERNOR NEWSOM, PARDON PHOEUN YOU TODAYBy Momii Palapaz, Poor Magazine/Homefulness Poverty Scholar “Please support the pardon of Phoeun You.” This plea from Jun Hamamoto made...
Min King X aka PyefaceJul 12, 2022Liberate Our Elders: In Collaboration with KAGE UniversalPOOR Magazine signs on to a letter of support to free our incarcerated elders, in collaboration with MinisterKingXPyeface & KAGE...