22nd Houseless Family moves into Homefulness- a homeless peoples solution to homelessness
Updated: Dec 16, 2024

Houseless people build rent-free, forever, healing housing in deep East Oakland and welcome in their 22nd houseless family.
What: Welcoming in Ceremony
When: 8am Friday, November 29th
Where: Homefulness 8032 MacArthur Bl , East Oakland, Ca
"I am excited and scared and so happy to finally reunite with my daughters after struggling with homelessness for over 10 years, we finally have a home," said LeaJay Harper, Houseless resident of Wood Street Commons and now Homeful at Homefulness.
While this classist, racist, ableist, government legislates against us houseless people, we build our own solutions, healing solutions, because after the trauma of homelessness it isn't only housing that we need and we as poor and houseless survivors know what we need to keep us permanently safe and housed
From Grants Pass Vs Johnson to Governor Newsom and London Breed, Karen Bass, Sheng Tao and Eric Adams, all of these towns across occupied Turtle Island are waging a war against houseless residents. Sweeping, disappearing and arresting us to nowhere.Our poor people-led research, RoofLess Radio WeSearch, has revealed the deadly impact of the violence of sweeps, bus tickets, jail-like motel rooms, navigation centers, temporary shelters, cabins, and arrests, that are killing us. The insane part of all the millions and billions spent on disappearing, sweeping and incarcerating us is we have actual solutions created by us for us - solutions like Camp Resolution, Wood Street Commons, Aetna Street solidarity, Reclaiming Our Homes and Homefulness to name a few.
Homefulness #1 was an 11 year long journey
In 2022, after being blocked for over 11 years by the City of Oakland, the 1st Homefulness project located at 8032 MacArthur bl was finally allowed to open its doors to houseless families, elders and youth. Friday's ceremony makes 21 formerly houseless, now homeful, residents living in rent-free forever healing housing.
POOR Magazine is currently working with houseless communities in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and West Oakland at Wood Street to open their own versions of this powerful and doable dream we call Homefulness.
"Friday's event is celebrating a Herstoric Day- 530 years after the violence of colonization we poor and indigenous peoples are building our own solutions..". Muteado Silencio- formerly houseless co-founder,povertyskola and lead builder Homefulness
"With permission, prayer and guidance from 1st Nations Ohlone, Lisjan leaders we are opening a 2nd site for our own self-determined solutions of Healing Housing without the Lie of Rent... only possible because of the radical redistribution of conscious housed residents with resources radically redistributing to us poor peoples so we can mamafest this dream," tiny aka povertyskola, formerly houseless co-founder, povertyskola and visionary of Homefulness
Thank you for your work, imagination, courage, and determination. You are the best of us and model what it looks like to be “good at being human,” as my friend Kiese Laymon has written.