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HOMEFULNESS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST: Book Release, Presentations and Workshops with houseless and housed allies


Houseless/Indigenous/Black & Brown poets and cultural workers will visit so-called Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia in February to share an innovative, healing, rent-free, permanent housing solution to homelessness called HOMEFULNESS, along with a powerful new book highlighting the connections between Indigenous LANDBACK and Black Land Return Movements, Palestine Liberation and homelessness.     




Monday Feb 10 -- 6:00 PM: Book Release and Prayer Ceremony 

Café Red, 7148 Martin Luther King Jr Way S, Seattle, WA 98118

Tuesday Feb 11 -- 4:00pm: Book Release and Performance

Bulldog News 4208 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105

Wednesday Feb 12 -- 6:00pm: Book Release and Performance

Orca Books Cooperative, 315 5th Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501


Thursday Feb 13 -- 1:30 pm: Workshop with Houseless community

St. Vincent de Paul 4009 S 56th St, Tacoma, WA 98409

For anyone with current or past experience of houselessness, not general public


Thursday Feb 13 -- 5pm pm: Book Release and Performance

King's Books 218 St Helens Ave, Tacoma, WA 98402


A group of houseless, indigenous visionary poets and cultural workers from the Bay Area are coming back to the Pacific Northwest to release their powerful UnTour Book Through Occupied Turtle Island, a book of poetry, prayer, stories and art on indigenous resistance to settler colonial erasure, poLice terror, homelessness and the many acts of indigenous/Black/Brown-led resistance across Mama Earth and lift up the dream of Homefulness, a homeless peoples solution to homelessness with houseless/indigenous residents of Seattle, Olympia and Tacoma. 


“Homefulness is a practical dream rooted in self-determination and love," said Aunti Frances Moore, formerly houseless povertyskola, Black Panther and co-founder of Homefulness.


“Sweeps are literally killing houseless people from Shannon Marie Bigley in California to Cornelius Taylor in Georgia, both run over by bulldozers in a 'Sweep' of their outdoor shelters. As poor, houseless, indigenous people we have our own healing, practical solutions to homelessness, and they do not include spending millions of tax dollars sweeping humans like we are trash,” said Tiny gray-garcia, formerly houseless, incarcerated povertyskola and co-founder of POOR Magazine Homefulness.


Following the Grants Pass vs Johnson Supreme Court Ruling that deemed houseless residents of the US no longer protected by the 8th amendment of the constitution, state and city legislators, police and sheriffs enhanced their already violent "sweeps" policy of houseless people by directing state agencies to dismantle homeless encampments on state land. Hundreds of houseless elders and disabled adults have become gravely endangered and have died in increasing numbers due to this state sponsored violence over the last several months that is being threatened to get worse under the new administration.


“200 years ago, before colonization there wasn’t even a concept of homelessness,” said Talking Chief/spokesperson of the confederated villages of Lisjan/Ohlone and co-founder of the Sogorea Te Land Trust and Family Elders Council member of Homefulness.


KlanMarks, ManUMeants and Plakkks- UnTour Guide Across Occupied Turtle Island

Everywhere across this stolen land, I hear the ancestors scream, I see occupied lies and violent settler propaganda and false-narrative-washing embodied in what I call KlanMarks, Plakkks, and MANumeants. We are in a pivotal moment of LandBack and Black Land return where we can shift the anthroWrongological, arkkkeaological HIStories and arkkkives built and told and sold by enslavers, eugenicists, settlers, and land stealers to HERstories and truth, reparations and  HEALing for all of us together to rematriate* and return hurting and extracted Mama Earth to original peoples. To unSell and unHoard our sacred mother, she who was never meant to be bought and sold, and return her in right relationship with ancestors and all of life... 

            -- excerpt from tiny gray-garcia's introduction to the UnTour Book - Across Occupied Turtle Island 


Book release events will be dedicated to John Williams, of the Williams Family Carvers, a houseless, indigenous wood carver from Seattle who was killed by Seattle PoLice dept in 2010 and will feature h,is brother and nephew Rick T Williams and EagleSun. 50% of book sales will go to the Williams Family Carvers and the remaining 50% to the building of Homefulness in the PNW.


Homefulness, a homeless peoples' solution to homelessness which just welcomed their 22nd houseless family into rent-free forever healing housing,is one of the models we are presenting on the UnTour. In addition to Seattle, we are currently working with houseless comeUnities in San Francisco and LA to create their own Homefulness Projects and on a second site of Homefulness in Oakland 


We will also be sharing and lifting up the powerful poor and houseless women led movement of Share/Wheel - and Tent City 3 - another example of a houseless peoples' solution to homelessness in action. 


See Testimonials from houseless (Now Homeful) residents of Homefulness by clicking here 




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