Homeless Peoples Solutions to Homelessness
Updated: Dec 16, 2024

1) The immediate end of “sweeps” of houseless comeUnities and the end of criminalization of homelessness. Any act of state violence against the poor is completely unacceptable and undermines all attempts to provide actual solutions.
2)LAND BACK/BLACK LAND The unselling and return of sacred sites, occupied/hoarded vacant land, buildings and homes to stewardship by 1st peoples of Turtle Island who suffered the genocide of colonization and make up a large majority of houseless peoples across Turtle Island. The paying of reparations by city and county governments and/or private wealth-hoarders/housing devil-opers to Black families who suffered eviction, foreclosure, blight notices, bank seizure of their homes and /or resources and are now houseless in settler towns like so-called Oakland, San Francisco,LA and beyond 3) The immediate liberation of vacant bank and state "owned" so-called "private property" so that it may be used for housing for Homefulness - which is a homeless peoples solution to homelessness which includes rent-free forever housing, healing, art, education and care on-site to youth , adults and elders struggling with poverty and homelessness . It was reported in 2022 that there are approximately 1.2 Million vacant properties in California. This means there are six vacant properties for every unhoused person in the state.
4) A permanent moratorium on rental evictions for non-payment of rent. Evictions are elder and child abuse and cause homelessness. One of the ways to address homelessness is to prevent any more people from becoming homeless.
5) The complete overhaul and restructuring of the HUD coordinated entry and Section 8 housing processes. The current wait for permanent housing is anywhere between 1-10 years. Navigating homeless housing through coordinated entry is so difficult and inaccessible that despite their want for housing, many people will never be able to get close.
6) The implementation of oversight by poverty skolaz of Non-profits who supposedly provide services for houseless people. Poverty skolaz who ourselves overstand the violence from the inside of homelessness and anti-social work and the multiple traumas involved in even receiving care while in the middle of trauma and crisis At this moment there is little to no accountability for the behavior and spending habits of major non-profits. Current homeless shelter conditions in California are deplorable and dangerous. If a program can not maintain a person's safety and dignity, it should have no right to public funding.
7) An accessible and non-carceral approach to mental health care rooted in Poverty Scholarship- a framework of interdependence, care and love first versus. 5150 holds, medical incarceration, and forced conservatorships through Gavin Newsom's care courts which threaten to circumvent due process and other constitutional protections.
8) A Homeful (Not Homeless) Tax charged to every housing devil-oper, "private property owner" who is currently hoarding multiple lots of vacant land/vacant buildings in all of these settler towns across Turtle Island. This "tax" rooted in radical interdependence would be assessed based on the "property value" increased per year by hoarding the land. 9) Monthly rent support funds created for houseless/marginally housed/barely housed/ formerly houseless peoples from a Tech Reparations Fund, CorpRape Reparations Fund created by the Bank of ComeUnity Reparations which would be paid to all houseless peoples evicted from their homes and apartments due to violent gentriFUKation so they could remain housed once they are re-housed - read more about this here