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Aztlan Native


What is Kop watch Aztlan and Chicano gang task force?

This is the Chicano peoples, Indigenous peoples, poor peoples and all oppressed peoples led movement towards Liberation and Self Determination. This is a mobilization to hold the oppressor accountable for their actions by documenting a database of name and badge numbers of all cops in Aztlan, (also known as South West United snakes of Amerikklan). Kop watch Aztlan is the name of the movement and youtube channel. Chicano gang task force is the name of our peoples who go out and save lives while advocating for the people of this occupied Territory. Investigative journalism is back with cop watch Aztlan where Independent Journalist, 1st Amendment Auditors, Poverty scholars, and Revolutionary Reporters go out and do our own private investigation into Officer involved shootings, into their relation to the cause of death in any and every incident, the results and findings from court documents regarding the cause and the nature of the causes related to the death of a “subject” (one of us). We are Photographers who record the police for social justice and accountability reasons. By Filming the cops and Government agencies they hire to oppress us, we are able to document just a small fraction of all the Tyrannical behavior on video cameras when we collect name and badge numbers live on the spot. We do this ultimately to create awareness and change.

 How do you do kop watch? Collect name and badge numbers by any means necessary. This means going out and recording the police every time we see them. Being brave and assertive when requesting law enforcement to identify themselves in their active line of duty.  The Chicano gang task force takes a closer look into the Tyrannical behavior and corruption being displayed by law enforcement as we do cop watch throughout cities, counties and States within these occupied Sacred lands that filter the bodies and spirits of our ancestors. This form of community kon-trol is necessary in this day and age where the po-lice are killing 3 to 4 people a day all across Turtle Island aka USA. What the Chicano gang task force does everytime we see a pig does not matter if its a Federal Marshal or if it is an armed security guard at Walmart , we collect name and badge numbers by firmly asking them to show transparency do to the fact that they have qualified immunity, which in peoples terms means a “license to kill”. “Hello sir ,or mam, would you mind showing transparency can i have your name and badge number please”,is how we engage in conversation not answering any questions by them because we know that anything we say can and will be used against us in the court of law and they escalate our encounters to the point of arrest or in many events DEATH. So after requesting them to show transparency, depending on the response, we will either say “thank you for showing transparency” or persistently and affirmatively demanding them to identify themselves to the public , requesting a supervisor if they Kon-inue to refuse or ignore us. 

Where do you do kop watch? Kop watch can be performed anywhere that law enforcement or Government entity is present. Kop watch is typically done in poverty stricken communities where hyper policing is an ongoing occurrence and where Tyrants frequent,(which is everywhere). We do kop watch at locations where the police harass the people the most but any video of Kop watch is an important and educational form of resistance by Chicano gang task force that put their lives on the line to save lives on their ancestral homeland protecting the inhabitants of this stolen land.

When do you do cop watch?Whenever you see a pig even if they are at 711 buying a donut and coffee they are up to something, facts. On or off duty they are up to Tyrannical behavior in one way shape or form. Especially when you suspect them to be up to no good. Record anytime you get in contact with law enforcement for your own safety and evidence. Always film the po-lice FTP every time you see them because 10 times out of 10 times they are doing something wrong. Film law enforcement anytime you see them and kon-tinue to record them until they leave, while advocating for the people that they are engaging with in or out of the act.

Why do you do Kop watch? We do cop watch for obvious reasons like, police brutality and social injustices like false imprisonment and officer involved shootings that always cut the pigs a break due to “qualified immunity”. We do this to end pig terror and to fight for those murdered by the pigs. We do this because in political philosophy the right of Revolution is the right and the duty of the people of a nation to overthrow a Government who acts against their common interest and threatens their safety without cause.

Who created Kop watch Aztlan? This is a grass roots project created by poverty scholar Aztlan Native “the Chicano Che Guevarra” also known as Gera at poor magazine. 

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