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London Breed is a Fraud

Evander McElroy

London Breed is a fraud. When she won her first full term as Mayor in 2018, she spoke of addressing the issues that plague San Francisco . I’d say that she hasn’t done much if anything to help the people of the city. In fact rthese past couple years have shown us that she’s begun to roll back on those promises and goals to try and get more votes, as she’s pushed most of her voter base away. 

When Breed first became Mayor in 2017 after the death of Ed Lee, she was replaced not even two months into office. In a speech made while figuring out her replacement, Supervisor Hillary Ronan said that Breed was supported by “white, rich men” like the billionaire Ron Conway. Not even two months in office and the cracks start to show. 

She later joined a GOP led effort to overturn or reform Prop 47, originally passed to combat overcrowding in prisons and save the state money. Her goals were to make it easier to imprison drug dealers, users, and petty thieves. Also happening around the same time was the major street sweeps of the homeless ahead of the APEC conference held downtown. Feels very connected to me!

I get what you’re thinking, “it’s politics” right? You can’t accomplish every single thing you want to even if you promise your electorate but it isn’t that simple. She has barely addressed the core issues in San Francisco, she just moves them from neighborhood to neighborhood giving the whole city a facade just like she had been doing for years at that point. Homelessness has actually increased according to HER OWN GOVERNMENT’S SITE from her entering office to this year. 

I was born and raised in San Francisco, i’ve seen the good, and the bad and I can most definitely say that the only times i’ve ever been afraid in the city have been while London Breed was mayor. I’ve seen more suffering, less services, and the crime is through the roof. I was literally robbed in broad daylight on Christmas of 2023! I don’t know what will work but I know that what we have now, ain’t it



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