Palestine to Oakland - Free the land
City Council Statement:
"From the river to the sea Palestine will be free"

Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, Philippines, Armenia, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Nepal, Afghanistan, Turtle Island, we raise your names and lives in prayer
We must stand to stop genocide everywhere
Oakland by any means necessary should cut off our city's support of military aid to Israel and urge an end to Israel's apartheid state as well as urge full return of the land to the Palestinians. We must be resolved to not let our city's ports and resources be used to fuel the genocide in Palestine or anywhere else on mama earth, we hope that these measures will be included in any resolutions for ceasefire considered by our city council. The US spent 17 billion dollars on military aid to Israel and has only offered a measly 100 million dollars of humanitarian aid to Palestine. The US must cease its military aid to Israel and increase its humanitarian aid to Palestine. It should be ensured that those funds make it directly into the pockets of the most impacted of the Palestinian people to restore their livelihoods and their homes and not into the pockets of the government elite to misappropriate. Our tax dollars should go to holistic housing, healthcare, and education; not genocide. Beyond funds the occupation must be ended and the land rightfully returned to the Palestinians.
Oakland should also resolve to cease the use of our city resources in the exploitation of natural resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the US's meddling role in agitating the current violence that stems from a long history of covert political manipulation of the DRC by the US. We must hold the US government accountable for how it wrongly advertises the DRC genocide as "internal conflicts" uninfluenced by the US and other world powers' exploitations of its natural resources. The US is willing to spend 17 billion dollars on military aid to Israel but only 486 million dollars in humanitarian aid to the DRC where 10,000 people have been killed and over 7 million internally displaced. It should be ensured that divested military spending funds make it directly into the pockets of the most impacted of the Congolese people to restore their livelihoods and their homes and not into the pockets of the government elite to misappropriate. Our tax dollars should go to holistic housing, healthcare, and education; not genocide. Beyond funds the Congo should have full autonomy over its natural resources and not be conned by foreign corporations and submitted to inhumane labor practices.
Also in regards to Sudan, Oakland should resolve to cease the use of our city resources in the exploitation of natural resources in Sudan that is fueling the genocidal violence. The US removed Sudan from its list of state sponsors of terrorism when Sudan forged ties with Israel in 2020. The US has ceased military aid to Sudan, but not to Israel. In contrast to the 17 billion dollars spent on military aid this year to Israel the US has only spent 550 million dollars on humanitarian aid to Sudan where over 9,ooo people have died and over 5 million have been internally displaced. It should be ensured that divested military spending funds make it directly into the pockets of the most impacted of the Sudanese people to restore their livelihoods and their homes and not into the pockets of the government elite to misappropriate. Our tax dollars should go to holistic housing, healthcare, and education; not genocide. Beyond funds Sudan should have full autonomy over its natural resources and not be conned by foreign corporations and submitted to inhumane labor practices.
We must weed out and cease the United States' complicity in creating the global conditions necessary to fuel violence and grow poverty in countries around the world. We must recognize that to be against genocide anywhere we must oppose genocide everywhere. Which means we cannot ignore the ways it festers in our own country. We must free Turtle Island from the grips of the Amerikkklan.
We pray that so-called Oakland by any means necessary will cease its complicity with America's ongoing genocide on BIPOC LGBTQ+ and the poor by ending encampment sweeps which treat our lives like trash throwing what stability we build for each other into chaos which further isolates and displaces us in the midst of this ever growing housing crisis. In the midst of more and more people being evicted into the streets following the lifting of the eviction moratorium. The eviction moratorium must be reinstated and its protections extended to unhoused Oaklanders.
Oakland must undo the current criminalization of unhoused and BIPOC folks by repealing penal codes around encampments, parking, and vehicles that discriminate against us because we don't have the funds to move and/or register our vehicles. Oakland must abolish the racist institutions of prisons and cops and use the liberated funds to invest in communities with access to free education, free healthcare, and the necessary wrap around services to ensure all community members needs are met which will eliminate survival crimes of poverty and desperation over time.
Oakland must be seriously critical of the possibility of abuse and criminalization that could be sanctioned by DPW's “safe work zone” ordinance. At the sweeps DPW will often indiscriminately caution tape around unhoused people's whole living area including tents and vehicles calling this a safe work zone. Sometimes they'll caution tape off whole blocks where unhoused folks live and call that a safe work zone. If this ordinance makes refusing to leave a safe work zone after being asked by police a misdemeanor, this will allow the city to further criminalize, forcibly displace, and arrest anyone trying to protect their homes and communities from being swept like they're trash. Oakland should not be criminalizing people for being poor. Oakland should move funding away from cops and towards community centered permanent supportive housing with on site access to holistic care. This will help communities grow as well as keep them safe in all the ways that cops and prisons have consistently failed to do.
Oakland must say no to "CARE COURTS" which is a violent piece of legislation that will allow civilians to accuse anyone of being mentally unwell which will force the accused into a court process which will most likely lead to conservatorship and imprisonment. People need rehabilitation not incarceration. People need care not courts. Oakland should voice its opposition to "CARE COURTS" and support intentional community housing initiatives, such as Carroll Fifes social housing initiatives, such as the land and people liberation of Homefulness, such as the Land Liberation Act put together by Homefulness and Sogorea Te, such as the sanctioned lot of Camp Resolution, such as communities of care proposals for the North Gate parcel from Carroll Fife and Wood St that will foster community support networks so people can heal and grow together thru holding each other in the full complexity of our humanity as opposed to criminalizing anyone for their mental health.
Oakland must voice its opposition to and promise not to implement laws criminalizing unhoused folks for not accepting shelter. Many shelters fail to provide any of the services they are contracted to offer by the city. Many of the shelters are a carceral environment with unfit staff who harass residents. Shelters have 5150d more residents from their shelters than they've ever gotten permanently housed. Thousands of people have been returned to the streets from these temporary shelters, meanwhile we can count on our hands the people we know who've gotten housing. Of those who have gotten housing many are returned to the streets after their one year rent subsidies are up and they can no longer afford the rent. There is no permanent supportive housing available yet cities across the bay enforce evictions and sweeps, as well as pass laws to criminalize unhoused folks who refuse to be retraumatized by being recycled through temporary shelter programs that leave us more homeless than we were when we went in. We demand a full audit of these temporary shelter programs contracts and expenses so we can see where all these millions of dollars are going and have a better picture of where this money is getting spent instead of getting spent on wrap-around services that will actually help people.
We also demand a full audit of how many folks have been successfully transitioned into housing from these programs and how long they were able to stay housed vs how many have been returned to the streets from these programs and/or their housing. We urge Oakland not to follow in Sacramento and San Francisco's footsteps by divesting from failed temporary shelter programs and investing in community centered permanent supportive housing projects. For those who ask: "but what will happen to the staff's jobs if the non-profits contracts are voided?" They can become care providers who outreach directly to encampments like HAC and Lifelong Street medicine. If they're respectful and caring they could even get jobs providing care in the community centered permanent supportive housing projects. We need dedicated and patient care givers for our communities, not security, overlords, and red tape middlemen waiting on a paycheck who don't seem to give a damn about us as people.
Oakland must abolish the encampment management policy that aids in the criminalization of unhoused Oaklanders and allows cops and city employees to dismantle people's lives and displace them from their support systems. As an emergency measure until long term/permanent community living spaces can be established, we urge the City of Oakland to replace the encampment management policy with encampment care action. Funds for encampment care action would be sourced from divested sweep, cop and prison funds. Encampment care action would ensure aid in constructing temporary structures for individuals in tents to healthily and safely live in. It would ensure vehicle maintenance and covering of registration fees for vehicle dwellers. It would ensure on site low-cost makeshift shower infrastructure and regular porta potty service. It would ensure dumpsters at every encampment with regular trash pick up. It would ensure safe use sites, sharps containers, and harm redux/street medicine centers at every encampment. It would ensure regular meals and water are provided to encampments. It would ensure seasonal support for inclimate weather conditions. Encampment care action would ensure the provision of a guaranteed income that could help folks in need make ends meet, until the harmful bloody institution of money can be abolished because the only cost of living should be our care for one another. Encampment care action would ensure the health and safety of us unhoused Oaklanders which would in turn benefit the health and safety of our housed neighbors. Encampment care action would ensure the immediate support necessary to make encampments more livable until long term to permanent community living spaces are built.
We urge the City of Oakland to seed land sovereignty to the Ohlone, and provide active support to landless people's movements like Homefulness, Sogorea Te, Camp Resolution, and Wood St who house, feed, clothe, educate, and heal people with no cost to the city. The city of Oakland should follow Carroll Fife's suggestion of using eminent domain to open vacant land and buildings for public use. These spaces could be utilized by all of Huichin's landless people's movements who are doing the daily work to keep each other alive and provide the conditions necessary for healing compacted trauma from hundreds of years of systemic displacement and abuse. These liberated land spaces would be built by and for the communities they are chosen to house. Residents would be able to live there indefinitely rent free. Residents would have full access to wrap-around services on the site they live in. Access to food, medicine, safe use, harm reduction, mental wellness support, skills training, education, creative outlets, gardening, recreational activities, computers, doc-ready support, family reunification services, and legal aid. Residents could have on site small businesses that make the community self sustainable. These permanent sites will be more successful than any temporary site will ever be, because when you celebrate someone's whole humanity and engage their creativity you can't help but inspire them to grow. These places of liberated land and people will provide the time and space necessary to heal years of systemic displacement and abuse.
The Israeli government, just like the Nazis, have modeled their genocidal settler apartheid state over Palestine after the United States ongoing genocidal settler military police state over BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and the poor.
After the Mexican-American War California state made it legal for settlers to enslave and kill natives following in the bloody tradition of the enslavement of Africans in the US. 9,000 to 16,000 natives were killed. A 1910 census showed fewer than 20 Ohlone left in California at that time. Now the Ohlone struggle to rematriate their land with little to no recognition or support by local, state, and federal governments.
Israel invaded Palestine in 1948, since that day over 75,ooo Palestinians have been killed by military weapons and tactics provided by the US through 50 billion dollars worth of economic and military aid to Israel since 1949.
Israel used the term "town planning" after Americas racist practice of "urban planning" so they could put rose colored glasses over their gross investment in the building of settler communities to displace millions of the local Palestinian population into derelict refugee camps, homelessness, and abroad. The start of this process happened alongside the 1940s/50s red-lining in Oakland and cities across America that excluded communities of color from wealth building and homeownership after their labor was exploited to build Oakland infrastructure that ultimately supported the WWII era US war machine abroad more than it ever supported or uplifted local communities of color. This violent force of gentrification continues to this day in Oakland as market rate developments rise atop the land of the displaced. Even the developments that the city totes as affordable housing are not at all affordable to unhoused Oaklanders; and many of these developments in actuality are mostly market rate units with a small percentage of "affordable for 50k per year" units.
Black folk make up 60% of unhoused Oaklanders and that's only counting those who have been forced into the tiny tomb cabin concentration camps after millions of taxpayers dollars and houselessness support funds are spent to destroy, displace, and fracture our unhoused communities through sweeps enabled by Oaklands Encampment Management Policy. These displacements are carried out knowing that there are over 5,000 unhoused Oaklanders and only about 1,000 or so shelter beds. Most of which are congregate shelter beds. These displacements are carried out knowing full well that the housing that these few and far between rapid rehousing programs are supposed to be sending us to, does not physically exist. These temporary programs return countless of us to the streets no matter how many times we go through them because low to no income housing is not getting built and the vacant buildings that do exist are not getting turned into low to no income housing. This necessary housing is not getting created because the money is being spent to displace us and recycle us from programs to the streets and the city has refused to open vacant land and buildings for supportive intentional community housing projects.
Israel has denied Palestinians food, water, and electricity.
Oakland criminalizes unhoused oaklanders when we tap public electrical/water sources and take food we cannot afford for ourselves and our loved ones.
Oakland has closed public restrooms and erected anti-homeless architecture to deter unhoused folks from seeking refuge on public land and city streets.
Israeli military and police stand by and physically assist civilian Israeli settlers who violently attack Palestinian civilians.
OPD physically enforces encampment sweeps and have stood by while civilian housed settlers have ransacked unhoused Oaklanders homes and belongings, setting fire to our tents and our vehicles.
Israeli settlers dump their trash in Palestinian communities.
Oakland housed settlers dump their trash in the city sanctioned dump piles Oakland has designated in our unhoused communities.
Israelis have painted the Palestinians as a "cancer", "vermin", and "human animals".
Oakland government and media have painted unhoused Oaklanders as "sprawling", "blight", "lazy", "crazy", "drug addicted", "human trash".
Israel has blocked transit to Palestinians and severely limited the spaces in which Palestinians are allowed to exist. Oakland continues to pass laws that criminalize and displace the unhoused for the locations and conditions of the vehicles, tents, and structures that we live in, telling us the only places we can exist are out of sight, in tiny tomb cabins, Mental institutions, and prisons till a far off housing maybe or not gets built.
Just this year the US gave 17 billion dollars worth of military aid to Israel's military police state.
This year Oakland gave 353 million dollars to Oaklands military police state.
At least 3 million dollars have been spent on Oakland encampment sweeps in the last year.
17 billion dollars has equaled 10,000 Palestinian deaths this year.
3 million dollars has equaled over 300 deaths of accounted for unhoused Oaklanders this year.
Our deaths don't make headlines, we are the silent quiet deaths, the nameless isolated deaths, the deaths often with no funeral, the "they should have known better" deaths, the deaths my wood st fam and I have added up since we were displaced. In the months following our eviction, 8 people who lived on our parcel have died. Over the years we have lost countless others of our loved ones to the violent institutions of the US military police state.
Jay Jona
Black Mike
"K" Lo
"Y" Not
Retox John
Dennis Howelet
"Spider" Dongabon
"Spider" Buddy Hasgar
Eddie Edwardo "Sleepy"
Uncle Hallowman
Mama Dee
Lovely "T"
Jason Coleman
Mr. Greg
Darth Vader/Marvel
Red with the dreads
Mrs. West
Kae Walker
Vu Nguyen
Gutter Slut
Danny Blue
"Tink" Amy Chew
Charlie Brown
Bobby McCoy
Lynn Molex
Juanita McClure
And so many more whose lives were lost to street sweeps, cops, prisons, and other violent institutions of this country
When 1707 Wood st was alive people stayed out of prison and no one fatally overdosed.
So don't look us in the eye and say
"Sweeps don't kill"
Cuz denial is the last stage of genocide and no dollar amount should be worth taking anybodies life.
It's a good thing Wood St is alive, that Homefulness is alive, and Sogorea Te is alive, so that instead of supporting the US war machine from Palestine to the Philippines and instead of supporting death making high rises, bulldozers, tiny tomb cabins, and cops; the city of Oakland can open vacant land and buildings to all its landless people's movements who are doing the daily work to keep each other alive and provide the conditions necessary for healing compacted trauma from hundreds of years of systemic displacement and abuse.
Oakland by any means necessary should cut off our city's support of military aid to Israel and urge an end to Israel's apartheid state as well as urge full return of the land to the Palestinians. Immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Allow humanitarian aid: water, food, fuel, and medicine. End settler violence in the West Bank. End the occupation. Free Israeli hostages and all Palestinian political prisoners. EMD the billions of US tax dollars Congress sends to Israel. Arms embargo. Sanctions now. End Zionist colonization of Palestinian lands. Bring the refugees home. Restore properties or provide restitution and compensation. Facilitate the long process of reconciliation in which Israeli Jews acknowledge their genocidal history towards Palestinians; and ultimately allow the peoples to build a shared existence based on equity and justice.
Oakland must put forth a resolution against genocide anywhere that contains actionable steps towards opposing genocide everywhere. That means Democratic Republic of Congo, that means Sudan, that means Ethiopia, that means Haiti, that means India, that means Myanmar, that means Nigeria, that means Pakistan, that means Syria, that means the Philippines, that means Armenia, that means Zimbabwe, that means Cuba, that means Nepal, that means Afghanistan, and that means Turtle Island. Oakland by any means necessary should cease the use of our city resources in the exploitation of natural resources across the globe and ensure that divested military spending funds make it directly into the pockets of the most impacted people's of those countries to restore their livelihoods and their homes and not into the pockets of the government elite to misappropriate. Our tax dollars should go to holistic housing, healthcare, and education; not genocide. Beyond funds these countries should have full autonomy over their natural resources and not be conned by foreign corporations and submitted to inhumane labor practices.
To effectively say no to genocide everywhere Oakland, by any means necessary, should cease its complicity with America's ongoing genocide on BIPOC LGBTQ+ and the poor by ending encampment sweeps, repealing the current criminalization of unhoused and BIPOC folks, saying no to "CARE COURTS", abolishing the encampment management policy, prisons and cops, creating free Healthcare and education, seeding land sovereignty to the Ohlone, implementing Homefulness and Sogorea Te's Land Liberation Act, and providing active support to landless people's movements like Homefulness, Camp Resolution, Sogorea Te, and Wood St who house, feed, clothe, educate, and heal people with no cost to the city by embracing the complexity of all our humanity and engaging all our creativity to heal our hurting world.
Viva Palestina
Viva Congo
Viva Sudan
Viva Ethiopia
Viva Haiti
Viva India
Viva Myanmar
Viva Nigeria
Viva Pakistan
Viva Syria
Viva Philippines
Viva Armenia
Viva Zimbabwe
Viva Cuba
Viva Nepal
Viva Afghanistan
Viva Turtle Island
Viva Wood St
Viva Camp Resolution
Viva Homefulness
Viva Sogorea Te