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ROOFLess Radio Street-Writing Workshops at Sweeps-Free Sanctuary ComeUnities Huchiun/Yelamu


(Street writing workshop at Huchiun Sanctuary (Greyhound Bus Station 2024)

RoofLESS radio Street Writing Workshops are offered by fellow houseless/formerly houseless povertyskolaz at POOR Magazine in schools, jail cels, shelter beds and wherever us poor peoples are.. Watch the RoofLESS radio video reports on PoorNewsNetwork

Jane Rae Despain

I’m gonna be 61 here very soon.  So I’ve been Housed June 17, 2024, WOOPEY FUCKENDO IVE BEEN Homeless since 2015.  On Wood St. Being in Oakland “the town” I was Born in, From falling into a storm drain to being assaulted having staples in my scalp and stitches behind my left ear Behind Target in front of the TRucking company down to 26th and Wood St. to under I-80 In the Back of Wood St. Been Burned up and experienced lots of emotional pain, embarrassed, Treated like I’m some disease my situation being Homeless, has effected me a great deal from psychological Problems Physical Problems to affecting my spiritual Balance Housing is Just a word like Homeless Being with out that title to a House.  I worked with a independent contractor doing events i the greater bay area Last year I said Being Housed would only better my and my dogs well being  The different People given housing from Wood St. Been given mone RVs trailers community cabins In an effort to keeping people off the streets Ive Been doing the Best of my ability, Being here with most important thing thats ost important in my life is getting surgery for Wendzi.  From a simple neutor job turned into nightmare to where I had to report the veterinarian to the medical vet Board.  I took from 2020 to January 22, 2024 for his vet to ?.  tried hard for her malpractice Now I’m not able to do anything Because these providers of shitty housing has turned me backward and worsened my life again


I have had to be homeless for the past 15 years and this has been the worst crisis I’ve gone thru due to not having very little family support and not having there support and encouragement so my wife and I have been living in our vehicle until we came to SF where it was taken from us which we now live on the street.  My wife and I have been living in our car for the past ten years or so and we have been calling our home and every place we have been we are consistently messed with for sleeping in our home until we came to SF and the took our house away and now we are once again on the streets dealing with the problems of being homeless. (By Anonymous)


Well my family pushed me and my girlfriend  ? out and bak to ? …..their wasn’t  enough cash to survive - me and girlfriend split up.  ..after…lives for the future..


Losing my entire Family in under a year


As a whole group or society or as a specific individual experience we have had to deal with.  I believe is the dissipation of the High archel type and the ? of the echelon Echelon based levels of the individualization of said participate Beigh, cold fourteen years, disillusioned, dying, indifferent and still out, I’m not crying not, Abut still feeling alone.  The incision is a cut. In words greater than I. ? said If the ? Is like the poet the scar, ? on countless bodies in which the fashioning of …we >>>>poor out our soul, those are ….later in life I think now if we are like the poet (by Anonymous)


Eight years aog, before I actually embarked on the craziest scariest, most enlightening and profoundly beautiful journey of my life, I had been in the process of trying to find the conclusion of the most stressful and exhausting phase of my, at that point 3 decades on this earth…an epicly long 8 year bout with depression that had me so entrenched in daily agony that in a series of maladjusted attempts at coping: had crank myself suicidal worked my self,body and soul to a state of constant exhaustion and worry that manifested itself in countless teary eyed trips into work.?  My disappointment with how I was in the process of hawking? Off what i saw at the time as the ost potential … time of my life so far.  I had reached a point in my work where neither my pay or sense of purpose was great enough to justify for their …to advance my dying dream of being a chef.  I had burnt through multiple relationship trying to squeeze even the smallest drop of satisfaction to replace the crushing disenchantment with having pushed away or having been pushed away by the majority of my family.  I had some really good friends.  People I know I could still call to this day if the chips were down so to speak.  But when I finally decided-I would not live to see another birthday. If i continued the path I was on.  It was shortly after Jess had shown me footage of her at a protest in Asheville that me realize I could live some  of my deepest dreams someone who would be by my side as I searched and hopefully found the purpose I so deeply desired from life.  When she agreed and we left everything behind when I finally know how it felt to be ??  because I had everything I needed, yet nothing that I can't get and of today, and replaced tomorrow carefree because we knew we had one another and there was nothing that either of us would allow to jeopardize that Because of these lessons…that carefree strata that plucked me out of al the bullshit in my hed and dropped me into the now.  I had finally found gratitude. And that was more than anything, what I had lacked all along.

by Anonymous


Veronica T

(1) Housing trying to get my life together so I can Be with my kids and to hear their voice

and it very hard for me


Brokin Cloud

(Homefulness/POOR Magazine )

My worst instant of being in occupied America or the land of Huchin was when my mother inter the spirit world I was left with know living support everyone around me had became a human in the decietval state of my existence.  I can't trust anyone if the two legger.  The sprit world became the more real world to my … Know one could arise in my congisness unless you came to me from the spirit world.  iST NO second chance. NO more lies, might have and their way into my way of life. But in reality I, after this tragedy made my life more full - TRUE Direct, the past is mMORE complete than EVER AND AS life goes on the consequence of making a mistake is less possible because of the ONE way of being deceived is not possible.


Kiyo Mills

My Worst Financial Struggle  12/18/24

In 2020 I started getting sick from a medical condition called an abscess which is a tooth infection that causes poison to seep from one’s teeth.  When it first started getting me sick I thought it was the pills that I was addicted to.  But it wasn’t until I quit cold turkey for a year and a …change that I realized it wasn’t the pill because I kept on getting sick.  For the past few years I could not hold down a job because I would throw up on my way to work, at work and on my way home from work.  I wasn’t able to hold down any food or liquids.  For the past …. Years I’ve been trying to get the proper health care & dental care so that I can return back to working a job & being financially able to take care of my daughter.


Nicholas Lindo

2. 4 years in prison in Texas

3.  mY father was in prison in for 12 years

4.  My father got released from prison, and then the cartel killed hi

5.  My father died Christmas day

6.  Then i got hooked on herion at the age of 22

7.  I lost my son at the age of 22

8.  The i ended up homeles for the next 4 years


Elijah Yelden

2.  I was wrongfully accused of Domestic Violence

3.  Where I was stip of my rights and children & wife where I lost everything and never could get a job with a felony on my record after my prison sentence  I came home to a empty place its been that way since.  10. Everyone having equal housing


Chase Arevalo

I thought i was all bad, but 5 years later its some of the best experiences I’ve ever had.  I’ve been homeless now for ½ decade, wasn’t sure what to expect, and as my hope for a normal life began to fade, a new family emerged who didn’t reject although I’d still like to get off the street, if I have to sell my sou I’d rather beat feet.  Y family out here are realer than those behind 4 walls who fear.


Jesse Curazo

It was in the fall of 2014 my life changed forever up til then I had a …….I was a case worker for WA state. With a 2000 month mortgage and struggling to keep 6 children ……I have a settlement

ThankU to Tiny garcia, Muteado Silencio and Israel Munoz for co-facilitating - Thanks to Momii Palapaz for typing ! POOR Magazine is a poor people-led movement of media, art, education and solutions by and for poor peoples everywhere



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