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THE BIGGER PICTURE (The Police Brutality Struggles)


By Jay Paulino

        I Realized as I was listening to the ceremony of a sister that died from Police terror, that you better cherish the good memories you have with your family or friends. Life goes on no matter what happens, that's why you shouldn’t take life for granted. Enjoy what you have in the future and for what you have lost, make it a strength for you to change in any positive way.

 I've learned from my experiences and challenges.Things could get really deep and serious when our brothers, sisters and ancestors can relate in a direct way. The day I realized I should’ve opened up a little bit more is when I showed up to an action on Sonya Massey. The grief was in the air and all around, I  knew I wasn't the only one hurting because I literally felt the energy there. 

     Sonya Massey was a Black African young thirty-six year old female who was also a Mother,sister,niece, cousin and Aunt. She was very loved by her family and friends. This Tragic incident happened on July 6th 2024. Massey called the police because there was a prowler at her house so, she called the police because that's what they there for apparently to “Serve and protect.” I don’t think that’s what happened with this devastating killing. To also mention Massey  had an illness of schizophrenia. As the call goes through, Two officers respond to the call and at least a minute later things escalate quickly. Officer Sean Grayson was one of the officers that responded to the call and made a huge impact on the world. This is where he used foul language to Sonya and threatened her life and took her life away from her and her beautiful family. Massey was talking to the officers and had a pot of  water in her hand, boiling water . Than Massey said “ I will rebuke you in the name of Jesus Officer Sean Grayson replying with a yell “ You better fucking not or I will shoot you in the fucking face.!” Yelled Officer Grayson. The second police officer draws his weapon also why is he not fired as well? This is  why Police Brutality should be more of a topic because  the Police System just doesn’t stop with the violence on innocent families.

        These Police Struggles should have a brighter Voice in general, because me being a bystander of these situations happening right in front of me is beyond me.I lost my Pops to Police Brutality I can relate as much as others do. My pops name was Jose Enrique Paulino Jr and trust me “He was somebody.” An unarmed Black  African-American dominican Man tazed to death in front of a gas station because he was arguing with a female on the phone and had a big  argument. My dad pretty much knew Spanish more than English and had a serious heart condition. Somebody called the Police on him because he was yelling and was really angry so what normal people do is show emotion and the police just took it a whole different way. They made my dad look like a criminal the way they made the story sound  and mind you I would say at least eight officers showed up for a little noise complaint. So just wrapping this all up, I could tell you that I feel for my relatives. Bringing it back to the ceremony this shows and tells you  that this Police Act on Violence is not the answer and it happens all around the world, where there should be a tremendous amount of Difference  in this Violent Act. I cried because when I spoke at that ceremony , I felt the grief connected with my own personal life and I couldn’t hold it in either  way, because I was thinking of my mom also. I wouldn’t know what to do if I also lost both of my parents .So be happy for what you have now.



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