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The City Plans a Massive Eviction- the People Plan a Resource Fair  


For Immediate Release:

Contact: Jaz colibrí (413) 522-3116 / Tiny garcia (510) 435-7500  

In the ongoing and violent war on houseless peoples bodies and lives The city of Oakland schedules a dangerous "Sweep" of a large houseless comeunity on West Grand and MLK. 

What: Resource Fair for the Houseless ComeUnity of West Grand and MLK  

When: 8am Monday, Sept 16th 

Where: On the Block of West Grand and Martin Luther King Jr Way

"We are not sure where we can go now," JohnX, a disabled elder resident of West Grand and MLK shakes his head  while trying to balance on his crutches and drag a hefty bag of his clothes away. 

John X was one of the WeSearch reporters that contributed to the 2024 RoofLessRadio WeSearch report  released in August on the increasingy violent sweeps being ordered by Governor Newsom and Mayors from Oakland to San Francisco to Los Angeles to disappear our houseless bodies and lives from the public streets of so-called California.(WeSearch report Sweeping us to Nowhere)

One of the findings of the WeSearch report is the majority of the residents of the MLK /West Grand Comeunity are gravely disabled elders. Additionally, the City has limited to no housing resources to refer people to that are ADA accessible.   

Alternatively, a community of houseless/formerly houseless advocates, care-givers and housed allies are planning an urgently needed resource fair for the West Grand /MLK comeUnity to help residents in crisis with housing, food, medicine, health care resources as well as legal advocacy to ensure their Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) rights are not being violated and they are legally protected in the face of this state sponsored violence.  

Since the Grants Pass Vs Johnson ruling was made and the subsequent order by Governor Newsom, the mayors of towns across so-called California like Sheng Tao,  London Breed and Karen Bass,  have been waging a war against our houseless bodies. Sweeping, disappearing and arresting us to nowhere. 

Resource Fair organizing committee includes Wood Street Commons, POOR Magazine/Homefulness, Coffee Not Cops, Lesgetit Networks, Anti-PoLice Terror Project,  Love and Justice in the Streets, Where Do We Go, EBLC, Punks With Lunch, East Oakland Collective.

The Resource Fair will offer resources to actual solutions like the work being done by fellow houseless people at Wood Street Commons and Homefulness and ways that housed people can actively get involved in  houseless peoples-led solutions, as well RoofLESS radio story-telling workshop, poetry, produce and healthy food distribution. 



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